Atelier-Dinner SHOJIN CUISINE by Mari Fujii
7月12日(残2席)、9月13日の予約受付中。*8月はお休み August is closed
July 12 (2 places available), September 13. 18h - 21h
at Sông-bé Café, Kamakura 鎌倉ソンベカフェにて
7月12日(火)~13日(水)11時半~15時 Tuesday June 14 & Wednesday June 15, 11h30 -15h.
おやきランチ OYAKI, vegetable dumpling Lunch
小さな3種類のおやき(野沢菜、きんぴら、茄子味噌)焙煎ほうじ茶付き 350円
3 small Oyaki (Nozawana leaves, carrot/gobo (burdock), eggplant miso with grilled tea Hojicha 350 yen
手作り小豆白玉寒天 Azuki Shiratama Kanten- sweet red beans/rice flour dumpling / agar-agar 350円
抹茶と落雁 Matcha & dried sweet 350円
コーヒー ホット・アイス(カラメルビスケット付)Cofee
Hot/Ice (with Caramel Biscuit) 300円
数量限定。ご予約をおすすめします。emailまたはFBのメッセージから。For reservation, please contact by e-mail or via FB page.
ateliercafekamakura@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ateliercafekamakura
おやき教室 OYAKI, healthy and traditional dumpling cooking class
Oyaki is a traditional food of Nagano prefecture. It is a bun made from flour, filled with many kinds of vegetables, mixed with miso paste or soy sauce for seasoning, then baked and steamed.
In this class, we will make 5 kinds of oyaki with different ingredients that include: Nozawana leaves, carrot, gobo (burdock), eggplant, kiriboshi daikon (dried radish) and azuki (sweet red beans). It will be taught by Miyo-san, a 90-year-old grandmother who grew up in the Nagano region.
7月12日(火)と13日(水)「両日とも残1席」 Tuesday July 12 & Wednesday July 13 : 11-13h. [Only 1 place available for both dates]
The number of participants is limited to 4 persons. 参加人数: 4名。Participation fee is 2000 yen. 参加費2000円。Lesson in English and Japanese. Recipes in both languages. 説明とレシピは日・英語。Please reserve your place by e-mail with your choice of day (July 12 or 13) お申込みはEメールでお願いします。日にちの選択も表記してください (12日または13日) ateliercafekamakura@gmail.com
自分だけのオリジナル「つまみ細工の帯留め」ワークショップ *クリップやピンとしても使えます。
14:00〜15:00, 16:00〜17:00 参加費 : 2500円(材料費、留め金代込み)
TSUMAMI ZAIKU WORKSHOP Make original accessories with the Tsumami Zaiku technique
The workshop will
take place during the Expo-Salon on 12 & 13 July. 1h (11:30〜12:30,
14:00〜15:00 or 16h00〜17:00)
Participation: 2500 yen. Contact: ateliercafekamakura@gmail.com
Tsumami Zaiku, directly translated as "pinched craft". It is the technique of taking several, small, square-size pieces of cloth and pinching and folding them with tweezers to shape into various items like flowers. A glue mount keeps them together. Originally, it was started by a craftsman in Kyoto more than 200 years ago. He first made it as a hair accessory by using the pieces of his wife's old kimono. They are popular as beautiful hair ornaments for Geisha. The technique spread and today there are many people who make their own original accessories.
手作り作品 & きものリサイクル Hand-made & Kimono Recycled
7月12日(火)~13日(水)Tuesday, July 12 - Wednesday, July 13, 11h - 17h
毎月第2火曜と水曜開催 Every 2nd Tuesday & Wednesday
大島紬アクセサリー(TSURU 中川裕可里)、つまみ細工(CHROMAX615彩)、
Oshima tsumugi accessories by Tsuru, Tsumami zaiku by CHROMAX615Aya,
Obi bag by Omiyo
出展者情報 Exhibitor information
大島紬アクセサリ Ooshima-tsumugi accessories
奄美大島で 修行 を 積んだ 現役 職人が提案する「日本の素敵」をあなたに…
Oshima Tsumugi is a well-known, high-quality weaving of silk produced especially on Amami Oshima Island in Kagoshima prefecture. Doro Zome technique is one of the character : Threads dipped in muddy water and soaked until the color of the threads changes into brown. Kimono with Oshima Tsumugi is very light. The patterns and the subtle luster are admired by kimono lovers.
ソンベカフェ: 鎌倉駅西口、徒歩3分。踏切横(大船方面)
Sông-bé Café : 3 min walk from Kamakura sta. Exit the station on the west side and turn right.
The cafe is at the railroad crossing (toward Ofuna).
鎌倉の[ヒューマン ツーリズム]ガイドブック(日仏英語版)制作中。
5月10日と11日の催しに、ご参加・ご協力ありがとうございました。Thank you again for your participation on May 10 & 11.
Atelier-Dinner Shojin Cuisine, Oyaki cooking class and communication cafe went very well. We all had a great learning time.
4月12日と13日の催しに、ご参加・ご協力ありがとうございました。Thank you again for your participation on April12 & 13.
Please clique the photos to see more. 写真をクリックすると、アルバムページもみれます。